Parade 2

The pink hat is worn by Kellie. I am always so impressed by Leigh Ann‘s kids. They are seasoned travelers and tourists. They are fun to be around. Every time a float came by the smell of the flowers was almost overwhelming. Even the Coconut husks had a distinctive odor.
We were lucky enough to set in front of a whole family who work only on floats all year long. The mother had been working on Parade floats for 25 years. They knew minute details about the background of construction and maintenance of floats. The last 48 hours apparently are a mad-house with placement of the flowers.
Case, Kellie, and Brooke never seem to get bored. In fact they always seem to be paying attention. When our kids were their age they would have already errupted and been spewing all over the bleachers. Brooke and Kellie kept asking and talking about the flowers and horses and floats.
As usual the real events happen so fast you don‘t have time to see all you want. So you just get a partial view of the float. You end up reconstructing the total float from memory. TV does a great job of highlighting the important points.
As a very old timey Boy Scout I have long wondered what the girls who belong to the Boy Scouts are called. In other words, what do you call a female boy scout? Boy Scout doesn’t make sense but in the larger sense the answer is unimportant.
I am thankful for my Franklin to help me reconstruct the events from a year ago. At least I get to relive the parade.
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