Parade 12

Click on any picture to obtain a larger view. The Rotary float used hundreds of pounds of split peas, lentil seeds, and green tomatoes. I don‘t remember any other float using green tomatoes. The Make Friends float caused Caro and the two granddaughters to shout “Harry Potter“. The boy sure looked like the Harry Potter in the movie. Those are real oranges in the tree behind the boy.
Ti leaves and parsley were used to create the bamboo on the Vietnamese float. The Curly Horses were discovered 100 years ago in Nevada mountains. Click here for more info about CURLY HORSES. Leigh says they are very popular with people who have allergies. Something about not producing as much dander and stuff. The Big Brothers and Sisters used crushed sweet rice and seeds to cover the fishing boat. What is sweet rice? I though all rice was sweet. Appropriately, deerfoot moss was used in the covering of the doe on the float.
Sometimes life can serve up a real ironic statement. The next float was supposed to be Guide Dogs for the Blind. But their float motor had a breakdown. There was a long lag after the Big Brothers and Sisters. Finally I was able to get far enough forward to get a picture of a BIG wrecker backing up to a float.
Apparently everyone across the street were captivated by the wrecker too. As the wrecker was pulling the float the Goodyear blimp was overhead. The crowd was torn about what to watch.
The cadets from the US Military Academy marched around the broken float to keep the momentum going. They were more agile than the big ass floats still waiting. I love their bagpipers. No wonder the Scots were so fierce. Imagine setting around a campfire, drinking excessively and hearing those things all night. Even the diagonals were straight. Practice does make perfect. Wayne was highly impressed with their precision.

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