The first group activity of the week was a pizza party on Sunday. Everybody who had arrived gathered in Mary Lynn‘s room. Her room was large so most of us fit in. Some of us guys hung around outside eating the pizza. One of the best parts of the reunion was the motel had no lobby so we wondered from room to room. The following pictures were made with my digital camera and have been enhanced because I hate to use a flash.

Facing or profile to the camera L to R are Di, Shirlene, Joan and Sammy.
The guys tended to form their own group independent of the women Just like most families that I know.

Here the guys are enjoying pizza and a little quiet.



One of the hallmarks of a Granny Reunion is the high level of organization. Our 'List Lady' Di keeps us organized on ground with her lists. Here she is organizing the grannies for the Shuttle to the Aquarium. With Glo‘s organization in the planning stages with her web pages and Di‘s list we cannot help but be organized.

Shirley and Mary Lynn enjoying their pizza

And the last two from pizza night are evidence of the forming of conversation groups outside the rooms. Here the party has ended and the grannies are fanning out.

The Guys

First of many 'Bad Pops'

Dave was given a pair of pajama bottoms with pictures of Cracker Jack boxs. His wife Carol has a documented weakness for cracker jacks. Here Dave is modeling them for the grannies. Click on the picture for an animated version of Dave’s display. 8^)

Eventually we all migrated down to a store front near the motel. There were really good wicker seating for what turned out to be a really good wide ranging conversation involving TOADS and other things.

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