After most of the grannies left Caro and I were feeling lonely so we decided to go downtown Gatinburg to shop. Actually we went then so that she could use her scooter without feeling quilty in front of the grannies. For some reason she thinks it is a sign of weakness to use the scooter. We parked at the Aquarium parking garage and crossed the river on the bridge near the front of the Aquarium. The river was very swollen from all the rain the previous night. ![]() There were large limbs and trees being swept under the bridge. I think I even saw a drowned deer but could not be sure. The ducks seemed to really enjoy the flood stage. They acted like the swirling water was bringing a super abundance of new food. They kept tipping dunking and waggling their tail. ![]() The flowers which the day before had looked so wilted had perked up from the rain. God‘s rain is infinitely superior to man‘s treated water. ![]() When we finally got into the shopping district I was frightened out of my mind. Every opening between the stores on the street lead to alleyways with harmless little signs saying “29 more shops on the right“. My Lord we could stay here for days. My poor credit cards, my poor bank account, my poor feet.We didn‘t really buy much. Fortunately all the choices confused us old folks so that we could not decide what to get. Caro bought stuff for the kids and grandkids. I bought a persimmon walking stick and a garden banner for next Fall. We saw a neat shop that sold tee shirts whose pictures changed color in the sunlight. Or at least I thought the sales girls were good to look upon. ![]() After four hours of winding through endless miles of small geegaw shps my feet and her butt got to hurting so badly that we called the trip fini. I think that was the longest time she and I have shopped together since our second anniversary. The ducks were still excited about the flood. ![]() We made plans to have breakfast with Di and Jim and Judy and her family the next morning. It was very quiet at the Rainbow with most of the grannies gone. When and where will the next reunion be. I miss them already. |
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