Last Meal Together

In almost every set of pictures I have taken during our limited traveling I have at least one of me in a mirror. I hope not from vanity but rather to complete the cast of characters in the travelogues. This picture was taken in the lobby/hallway of the Doubletree where Caro and I were waiting for Leigh and Wayne and the grandkids to go to dinner. Wayne was first down with the two girls so we gathered in the bar and had a few “bad pops“ before dinner.

This is of Wayne and Case. Case was most of the time a jewel but this night I think he was a little stressed and really just wanted his milk and then to go to bed. His expression should have been a clear warning that he had a little devilment in him. In our dining room he demanded “What about some milk!” when his glass was almost empty. At which point he picked up the goblet and flung the milk toward Brooke. We had a hard time not laughing after we determined Brooke was unmarked and unharmed.

We were waiting in the bar for our table to be prepared according to the reservation. This is Leighann who gave this whole trip to her mother as a birthday present. The whole trip was a joy but the best part was being with Leigh and her family. The Rose Bowl game was on the TV in the bar. The bar was crowded with Nebraskans who did not have tickets to the game. Wayne and I were rooting fot the Cornhuskers because we both feel the Florida team is almost a semi-pro team.

Brooke really had a good time in the bar. She had a Shirley Temple and as a special treat got 5 more maraschino cherries. She can eat a whole jar full of them in one setting.

Kellie was very quiet this night. There was a young boy of about 5 in the bar with his parents who kept doing stunts every time Kellie looked at him. I would say he was smitten by “love at first sight” but 5 is too young or I have forgotten.

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