A member of a society begins
To build his Philosophy of Life early!
By observing and duplicating the sins

And virtues exemplified around him, he merely
Becomes a promoter of the Style of Life
Into which he is born. Indeed, this powerful Truth
Cuts deep into Character! So waste and strife,
Pride and abuse of privilege for gain, and use
Of Situation to further Selfish Goals-
Long is the List of Fatal Evils which
Modern society in error never should hold
As right or worthy even to long exist!
Shall we now examine our Philosophy?
Is it Late, America'-For our Policy?


It ought to be remembered by those who teach
Philosophy that Ethics is No
Substitute for the Christian Faith, though
The noblest Conduct and Beauty one can reach
Are found in the Christian Life. We therefore beseech
All people, learned and unlearned, high and low,
Rich or poor in every clime, however so
Great one's state may seem to be: Reach
Out for God in Jesus Christ our Lord!
In Him we find fulfilling of the Law
With Love that heals all Limitations!
Within the bounds of God's unfailing Word
Conduct is continuously guarded, and flaw
In Human Life Erased-O Blessed Vindication!


History, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology,
And Science are important in Education.
These Courses, if taught by those who follow a Policy
Of Honesty in Procedure, with Approximation
And Speculation regarded as Useful Tools
But not determinants unless there's proof,
Are of great value in making progress and rules
In further enlarged development! But their Use,
However, Must Not Deny the Supernatural,
Nor assume an Ascendancy over Creation,
Thus denying the Word of God! The Actuality
Of Creation and Creator, our Confirmation
Of Origin and Being, Must Be Held Inviolate!
Oh, Mankind, accept This Holy Blessed State!


The different and far-reaching facts in the Courses named
Above are not to be neglected or shunned
In School at any level of Study. Claimed
Theories, however, are not to be tuned
In for observation and consideration
By Children! The Child naturally yields, accepts
Instruction! Therefore Care, Wisdom, Moderation,
And Prudence must Triumph Here! Study in depth
Of the Problems these Courses contain must be reserved
For maturer minds and broader Information.
Our indulgent People have not observed
This Truth! This fault ranks High in our Nation!
The Home, the School, Business, and Recreation
Have Corrupted their Office-the Churches, in Fragmentation!


This Reference may seem to some quite Repetitious and fraught
With Exaggeration. "Since such Ills have frequented
Nations of the Past, why think," they ask, "we ought
To Fear, or show Concern? We've invented
Machines, discovered ways to deal with Distance,
Enhancing Communication and Travel. Pleasures
And Profits abound with Shameless Insistence
On Sumptuous Living, World-Wide Attractions Without Measurel''
So On and On the argument goes, and Many appear
Oblivious to the rapidly Worsening Condition!
As Amos warned his people when Fate was Near,
How they put "far away'' the Calamatous Omission
Of Heeding God's Word! There was, indeed, no "Fear
Of God in their eyes"! As Now, Calamity was Near!


The present Condition and Urgency in World Affairs
Are Unprecedented; and, while important,
The Past has little in Comparison that shares
Sufficient Human Action to be Concordant
With the Solution Needed for Present Problems! Two
Generations removed from the Inception
Of the Present Growing Dilemma, our Leaders who
Now Hold Office are at a loss for safe Direction-
No Adequate Precedent to point the Way-a True
And telling Picture of Fallen Man! New
Horizons Lift with Chance to take God's Love
So freely offered! Let All look Up, Above
The Failing Philosophies of Man, to Christ Our Lord,
The Answer, recorded in God's Holy Word!


The casual reader might ask, "What does
This have to do with ethics or with any phase
Of Aesthetics''? Much is made today of Art that lulls
The Human mind into Ecstasies of Error-a craze
That vainly claims Warmth and Love in Art! But Art,
After all, can be as cold as Keats's Grecian Urn!
it's also as Stationary ! Therefore its Part
In Beauty's Stillness Belies Beauty's Turn
In Action, in Conduct, and in Character! So
Beauty at Its Best is Seen in Duty
Well Performed! Beauty is Not All
Of Love-only a Part! Therefore Beauty
Is not All of Truth. Nor All we "need
To know on Earth'' ! Ours is God's Word to Heed!


All Powers of Good in Man are Gifts from God!
Both Keats and Shelley rank High in Noble Gifts
Of Poetic skill and composition. They trod
Through devious Paths of Lore that's Great, but Lifts
No burden from the Heart, Nor Comforts any Soul
Bound down in Sin and Sorrow! There is No substitute
For the Glorious Grace of God! Such Geniuses, we hold
In Heart, and Pray that they-though almost mute
On Faith in Christ-may have found His Love and Grace!
No Combination of Platonic Thought, holding
That the Performance, adherence, or Pace
Of Duty and the Full Reflection of Beauty unfolding,
Can to Lost and Fallen Man Redemption Bring!
But Jesus Can! He's God The Father's Offering!


The ontological phase of philosophy contains,
In a way, all other problems relating to Man's
Existance. Man's environment remains
The Answer to God's Dicta and Eternal Plans
For all the Universe! So, "Let there Be''
"And it was so'' and "God saw that it was Good''
Are the unfailing Foundation on which we
Christians rest! The one great Brotherhood
Of Man must come through God's Redemptive Love
Contained and Given in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Oh, Mortals of this world, Rejoice! Above
All Human Error, we have our Saviour's Word!
Duty says, ''Believe'' Christ's Holy Admonition,
And Beauty and Truth, He gives in our Salvation!

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