Let Humanism Trail Behind;
For Out Of The Heart
And NOT From the Mind
"God Hath Shined!"


"look in thy heart and write, said the Muse
To Sidney, long ago! 'Twas good advice
And well received, as shown by those whose
Fair reflection in Elizabethan Guise
Embraces so many master minds and ways
That bind our beings to high ideals: Marlowe,
And Shakespeare, Spenser and Drake, Jonson and Bacon
Were echoing the Past with triumph and the glow
Of the Future with prophetic strains! These
And others formed a magic coterie
Of Literary Lights so soon to breathe
The breath of Humanistic charm, an age
So-called, of Renaissance, or birth of the New
Learning! 'Twas Old, now understood by Few!


The accomplishments of Man are Not to be
Put down, nor minimized in any sense,
By me in this my effort here to Free
The minds of any who in consequence
Of popular Thought and Strong Appeal, have
Surrendered to Present Human bondage! Far
From such intent, my Goal is indeed to Save
Mankind and all the good he's done, to Jar
And loose the Hold of Humanistic bonds
That firmly bind All Good to Human Kind,
Fault God as Author of All Good! Around
The World one finds this darkness with line
Upon line in its defense! Man is the Rendezvous
They feel! Mention God, and they question, "Who?''


The Rise of Humanistic Thought in this
Our day is always linked with Error in
Both its Origin and Presence within
The fiends of Progress in all Lines! "Kiss
The Son, lest He be angry, and Ye perish'' - "Wist
Ye not that l Must Be About My Father's Busi
Ness?'' -Let the Clamor of Progress Stop; list
To the Word of God, and wisely avoid this
Path that wreaks with pain and flows with blood!
True Progress came because of Those Who
Often Gave their Lives and Testified at death
That Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All! This Turbulent Flood
Flows Freely through History; there's nothing new!
Read Again the Words of the Martyrs' last Breath!


Let none forget, as Long observed, that no
Great literature was produced during the transition
From Medieval Times to the Great Fruition
Of Thought, gushing in like a Flood, and with great show
Of Strength in the reign of Elizabeth The First, to flow
With the reigns of her immediate successors-Editions
Of enormous Influence, the Truth in Translation
Revealing Great Faith in God, but purported to glow
With Humanistic ideals! But the Last Words
Of the Martyrs Here (and they were many) Besought
Our Lord to Receive Their Spirits! Their Fervant Plea,
Like Raleigh's, was to the Risen Christ and Lord
Of God's Creation! Man's power comes to naught
At the grave-the End of Humanistic Vanity


Humanism, therefore, is as old as the Fall
Of Man; it's as new as the latest chosen Fad
Or social craze, or mania of choice of being clad
In dress or style that answers the Leader's call,
However wise or foolish it may be! It's al
So as Profound as the Law our Land has had
To order our Progress thus far! Both good and bad,
Therefore, it should be understood by All!
Unlike the Claims of brilliant minds who write
Our History and Interpret Our Literature,
It can Never save society, nor can it claim
The Right to be a Trusted Guide, nor to Unite
A divided Troubled World! Nor can it Cure
All ills! So, Deify it Not by Name!


'Twas old---, "The New Learning", Paul In Athens found!
"The Glory that was Greece'' and "The Grandeur . . . Rome''
Long since buried in Ruins and underground,
Come up once more with Chance to Receive "The Unknown
God'' Whom they in Ignorance worshiped; Whom Paul
In Genius and in Love Declared unto them, Our Lord
And our Triune God as shown in the Word and All
The Glorious Gospel-content in Jesus Christ our Lord!
The Message given, the Great Apostle departed
"From among them"! But Praise be to God, Some Clave
Unto Him and Believed! Still "The Cultural Center'' Had its Ways,
And Humanism has ceased Not since! It charted
The Fall of Greece and Rome; for Only Christ can Save!
He is the First, the Last, Who can heal the Broken-hearted!


Envisioned by Erasmus and promoted
By Thomas More, the modern constant flow
Of Humanistic Thought began to grow
Into a strong obsession like Don Quixote
In Cervantes' extravagant dreams-yet devoted
And altruistic imagination did show
In the Character, Endurance, and Strong Hold
Of this Unusual Man, who saw oppression coated
With pretense and sham in guise of freedom! The Truth
Was often hidden, and The True were often
Martyred! A period of Struggle, unparalleled
In History, continued with sore and blatant abuse
Of Man and His Fellow-Man! Progress would soften
Pain; but the Unredeemed remained Not Quelled!


The element of Humanism that makes
It a Fatal Philosophy is its Denial
Of God as the Author of All Good! While
Man, made in His image, indeed takes
Precedence over All Else, he Never breaks
God's Law, though often broken by it! The child
Of God by Creation, though fallen and defiled
By sin, is still made in God's image! He wakes
Each morn to Master the world, but not to be
Mastered by it! The Crown of Creation, Man,
Though fallen, can rise again to his lofty state
In Jesus Christ Our Lord! Our Saviour, He
Alone is Full Redemption! He still can
Save a Repentant America! It's not too late!


The Tenet of Humanism, denying both God
And the Devil, with Satanic power
That forms a Pride in Man to give the nod
Of Acceptance to Human Excellence in all our
Achievement in Art, Science, and Technology
As being Supreme, is the Hammer, beating out
The Doom of Man's glorifying himself! Analogies
Abound that support this increasing force! The Route
Of such Claim includes the subtle ramifications
Of History and Philosophies of Life that rule out
The Supernatural, offering such as verification
That Man is the Author of all Progress! This places doubt
In the minds of Most, who refuse to be bothered with Thought!
Let These Accept Salvation, by Christ from Heav'n brought!


The incomparable Works of William Shakespeare
Are sometimes said to be Humanistic; but the Great
Author Himself is hardly found where
The character of his Characters, in their fate,
Is seen so well! Glympses of the Man,
William Shakespeare, may be revealed in the Sonnets penned
By Him; but the scant account of his life and the plan
Of his Will, so clearly written, Overwhelmingly defend
His Faith in God and his Dependence upon Him
For Salvation In Christ and His Resurrection, and the Life
"Everlasting''! So the Great Man of Letters in
Plainly Written English, Words of Peace, without strife,
Rises Above the Glitter and the Glamor of the Show
To Point to our God in Heaven, In our Christ His Love To Know!


Humanism in progress today is manifested
In Action that all Who Will may see. We behold
It in government, in business, in tested
Investigations of Courts, of research, of poll
After poll for opinion,-The Test and the Findings
Always revealing the utter Dependance upon Man
For Answer or Solution or Resolution! Binding
The young and the old, if possible, to its influence, the Band
Plays on! The Populace dances to its submission,
Consents to its cadence, oblivious to its Measure
Of False Hope against Hope! God is left out! The Center
Is Man! His Maker does not count! Permission,
Ignoring his duty, Man gives! Oh, how can he enter
The Heavenly Gates, or claim the Heavenly Treasure!


The Humanists' Diagnoses of the Ills
Of America today show appalling lack
Of Understanding,-force of Human Wills
To work their plans and turn our nation back
To the failing policy of both Past and Present! The Concept
Of Right and Wrong to them is neither Virtue nor Sin!
They rule out God, say counseling in depth
By Experts can deal with Mistakes! Character to them
Is a matter of Mind, not of Heart! Direction
To them is the power of man to give and receive
Help! But Human Helpers, without God's Unction,
Are often unable to help the Helpless! Man leaves
His Divine Appointment when he fails to play the Role
Of Man! Though a helper, Man's not the Saviour of his Soul!


So when Man fails, as he often does, he has
Recourse in God! There's No Utopian Scheme
To fill this Need! Only God Who was
"In The Beginning'' Can! The Troublers? To name
A Few: Marxian Thought, Freudian Psychology,
Undue Emphasis on Psyco-Analyses to claim
A Cure-all for all Ills, causing a public
Panacea in the minds of the masses and unlearned!
This Craze Belies the High Purpose and Calling of Science!
It Hinders the Learning Process of the Young who have Yearned
For the Truth! Oh, Teacher and Student, You may have the Reliance
Upon the Word of God Whose Law Fulfills
All Need, All Law, and Glorifies All Wills!


Intellectual Supremacy must therefore give way
To Divine Authority! Indeed this Dictum
Must claim the Troubled Scene! This does not say,
However, that intellectual Pursuits become the victim
Of religious force and practice. Quite the opposite,
The Mind of Man becomes the Servant of his Will
And finds itself in harmony with and a composite
Of the Will and Word of God! This New Birth instills
In Man God's Holy Will, "Makes One the Sons
Of God to be like and to see Him As He Is''!
Let us Praise His Holy Name to be the ones
Made pure "as He is pure"! Our work in His
Vineyard we give to His Praise. In answer to His Call
We rejoice in His Love, Redemption and Hope For All!


What of this Troubled Scene, this Dying Day!
Its Young who say, "I'll do it My Way'' ! "My Thing
I'll do!'' "I'll Sell my Lord, yet have Him too! Away
With ideas, old and tested, that constantly bring
One into subjection. I want to be free! The Time
Is my own; I'll use it as I please." Alas, but Restraint
Must be used when Freedom's in hand! The chime
Rings out when the time for action is gone! One may paint
His excuses, but there's No turning back, no re-call
On the one-way street of Time! The chance to fulfill
The law that singly determines Character and all
Points thereof is often exacting! The Will
Must be strong, I repeat, when Freedom's in hand! Oh,
For Freedom for Man in Christ, Jesus to Calvary did go!


Things that are good but not good Enough confuse
Mankind. Things that are popular but holding in error
Those Latent Forces that sadly and subtly abuse
Mankind-pride, greed, and at last Terror
That sweeps aside all gloss and glitter, and like
The rest of the Seven Great Sins so well outline
By Chaucer, rendering Man helpless to strike
Down his Enemy, leaves Man hopeless, confined
In Covetous Ruin! So Redemption in Christ Alone
Remains the Only but Blessed Hope! Oh, Man,
Repent and turn to Christ Who alone did for sin Atone,
And claim your Own for you and for your Land!
Thus you'll stand securely, forever in Him to be found
In His Righteousness, forever wearing the Crown!


Finally, (I do Not want to be misunderstood),
Counseling, psycho-analysis, and Psychology
In general serve a noble purpose, and great good
Is derived therefrom. Their use I recommend
Within the frame of Medical and Educational Science.
But these, like all knowledge, must be Controlled
And used by Wisdom from Above! Reliance
Upon them is no substitute for God! Hold
To the Christian Faith for Moral Stability-All
That's Needed in Any Condition or Age! We see
Today a Culmination of Problems that Call
For Action. Therefore What shall our Action Be?
There's One, just One, On Whom we can Depend!
O Praise His Name Whom God in Love Did Send!

Yes, My Dear Friends, "Out of Zion,
The Perfection of Beauty,
Psalm 50:2

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