Misty and I had many arguments about her wedding and the costs. Her cousin Erin had had a lavish wedding in Austin that must have cost really big bucks. Of course she wanted to compete with that but splashy is not my style and I thought not hers. So instead of having a running fight over nickels and dimes I agreed to a certain amount. Still too much I thought. But as Caro pointed out “you are just cheap and remembering ours in 1962 where I did most of the work”. She was right of course so I borrowed money from my 401K to pay for the wedding. Now that she had a definite budget Misty found a place that did everything for a flat fee. They offered many different level of complexity and options. The place was Heaven on Earth wedding chapel and she chose their Southern Plantation plan.

Click for the website
The picture above is a panoramic view of the front of the place but it is hard to visualize the real wedding and reception location from the picture. So I have included some small low resolution pictures to help point out some features.
This sign, impossible to read here, greets you just after you find the hidden entrance to the parking lots. I drove around the place for 10 minutes trying to find a car entrance. The first time of anything is always difficult for me.
The entrance into the building that we found is actually the entrance to the Tiffany ballroom. We never did find the true entrance but “what the hell” we were in.
These round windows look out from the Celestial Wing of the Tiffany Ballroom. That is where we went for the reception and dance.
Misty, at first, wanted or talked about having the ceremony outside but she finally understood that September is a rainy month here and rain on the wedding day would cause a lot of plan reorganization. She knows this family is an unwieldy group that handle change poorly and with a lot of whining and whys.

This bridge was on the path where the brides maids would walk to the gazebo for an outdoor wedding.

Looking back the path towards the Tiffany Ballroom.

Misty was real impressed with the Live Oaks. She had not seen trees with trunks that big and crooked.

This is the escape view of the gazebo where the bride and groom could go after the ceremony to get pictures made without the crowd.

These were unexpectedly blooming in September. They are on the walkway from the bridge.

These two willows guard the entrance to a small pond for a poolside wedding I suppose.

This a picture taken from the top of the stairway in the Grand Hall where Shaun and Misty were married.

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