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Every autumn, a giant comes down out of the mountains, to a hill near the village of Tridaria. The Tridarians, anticipating his coming, gather atop the hill, where the giant, laughing uproariously, cheerfully kicks them off the hill. They roll gleefully to the bottom, shouting and laughing, only to run back up for another ride. The whole occasion is something of a tradition. One day, a passing rabbi hears of this ritual and, curious, decides to wait a few days and witness it himself. The day comes, and the wild frolicking wakes the rabbi. Irritably, he gets up, dresses, and heads out to the nearby hill. He watches the spectacle for a while, and then, unable to resist, he begins up the hill, dodging, of course, an occasional rolling Tridarian. The rabbi finally reaches the top of the hill and heads over to mill around with a small group of townsfolk, who seem to be waiting for their turn to be kicked off. The giant comes over, and is about to kick the whole bunch of them off, but then stops, peering down at them. "And what are YOU doing?" asks the giant. The rabbi, seeing that he is the one the giant is talking too, cranes his neck and looks up. "Well, I've heard about this, and I've watched it, and I still don't understand it. I am really curious, and I want a good kick, just like the rest," he answers.
"Silly rabbi!" roars the giant, squashing the Rabbi underfoot. "Kicks
are for Trids!"