I contemplated making a slide show of the pictures from the tour inside the Aquarium but decided not to. I hate to be held hostage by a slideshow that seems to go on forever. Afraid that I might miss a really interesting but bored to tears anyways. So I am going to lump most of them into smaller faster clickable pictures. That way you can choose whether to look at a slower but bigger picture of what to me is essentially food 8^). Don’t get me wrong the aquarium in Gatlinburg was worth every penny but being there adds a dimension that pictures simply cannot capture.
These 4 fish are unknown to me and I cannot find my notes from the tour. If you know what they are email me at lyn1937@webtv.net.
This is a Moray eel. Caro was lucky to snap the picture. The eel zipped from hiddy hole to hiddy hole.

I was wondering how they kept the tunnel clean. The diver in this picture was wiping the wet side of the tunnel surface with what looked like a shop towel. He had two other divers armed with prods protecting him from the sharks in the tank. The sharks continually approached the divers and had to be poked in the snout before they veered away.

Most of us rode the flex way through the tunnel. This was a belt of linked plates that swivelled to turn around curves. If you were standing on 2 of them your feet would end up pointing in different directions as you were carried around a curve. You can step off onto a walk way if you want to stop and study a particular part of the tank. Caro rode her scooter and took her sweet time about moving along. As you can see the grannies by this point had become quite scattered.

As I said earlier the pictures cannot convey the sense of the aquarium. For example, the sight of the fish schooling as shown in this picture was much more powerful than you can imagine from the picture. The fish moved as if they had one brain and were tied together by string.
 This picture was taken near the end of the tunnel.
The rest of the tour lead to smaller vessels holding a small collection of marine creatures. The jelly fish were beautiful and graceful looking. Hard to believe that something as beautiful as this can sting the living daylights out of you.
