After finally finding a highway that would connect to I10 I resigned myself to taking the same old route into Texas but at least we would get home before nightfall. The right lane og I10 going through Louisiana and Texas is a rough as a washboard. Trucks are required to stay in the rught hand lane and really beat up the road. I had to stop several times and walk around the car. That stretch is very boring. Soon, relatiively speaking, we saw the tourist information station and Lone Star insignia meaning we were close. When we crossed the Sabine River the air even smelled better. Home! Texas may not be the biggest state in the union but, IMHO, it is the best. It ain't Heaven but then Heaven can wait. 
Two and a half hours later we saw the skyline of Houston on the horizon. Unfortunately we got back just in time for the start of rush hour. I had almost forgotten that Joy". Caro was almost hysterical with the thrill of coming home. Myself, I was wondering how soon I could bring up the subject of another reunion in grannies.
I want to, at this point, give thanks to Lonnie and Larry for the kindness of repairing Carolyn's electric scooter in Gatlinburg. I had given up and was planning to take it to Chattanooga for repairs. Thanks for the help. Caro always reminds me to check the plug when I plug it in to recharge the batteries. We haven't had a bit of trouble since you all fixed the plug.
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