Terry’s History Page
I am the youngest of the children born to Marion and Charlene Robertson. I don’t recall my first memory of going to Cement but according to the reunion pictures I was there in 1955 and 1959. I remember another reunion but don’t remember the year. The picture was taken under the black walnut trees to the side of the house. There were lots and lots of people.
It seems like every time we were there, there were lots of people there. We had plenty of cousins our age to play with. Some of the things I remember about the house was playing horses on the vent pipes to the underground cellar and sliding down the doors going to the basement. Years later when we went back to Cement for a family reunion, I was amazed those doors were so short and close to the ground. At the time we thought we were really sliding a long way down to the ground. Another thing we liked to do was play in the gulley behind the house. But one of my fondest memories is getting to go in the chicken coop and gather eggs. That was fun even though the chickens did not always cooperate! Dad always managed to take us up to climb Buzzard’s Roost. It was so tall then but as I grew up I realize it was only a hill not a mountain. Going to Cement was a long car trip for us from Markham. Mom made a bed for Bev and me in the backseat and we slept most of the way. I don’t know what time we would leave but it was always during the night. Not having an air conditioned car that was probably the main reason for the night trip plus mom and dad did not have to listen to us whine all the way. We always seemed to get to Lawton around dawn and knew when we smelled Cyril we were almost there. As well as lots of people I remember there was always lots of food. I can remember lots of fruit (I think granddad grew watermelon and cantaloupe in the garden). Grandmother always had a jar of Maraschino cherries in the fridge and we used to sneak them as a treat. A bag of Sugar Wafers to this day takes me back to the kitchen in Cement. I guess I have always had a fixation with food. Mom and Dad both died way too early in life and we lost track of most of the family. We went to a family reunion the year after Dad died but it was not the same. Aunt Sally and Aunt Betty did come to visit us in Texas in the early 90’s and we enjoyed their visit. My husband (Mike) and I decided that we would go to a family reunion and surprise everyone. We had a good time and enjoyed getting to know some of the older cousins that I did not know growing up. They told lots of stories on Wayne and Raymond growing up and the troubles they would get into. Several years later I went back with my sister Bev and her husband Ron to another family reunion. There were not a lot of people there but again I got to know some of the cousins I had not grown up with. This would be the last time I would see Aunt Betty and am so thankful we went. I had a great childhood and have many memories (though Bev and I do not have the same memories) and think the opportunity to grow up with a loving family and lots of cousins to play with were a key element to this. Terry March 9, 2009
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