I believe it was Buzzard's Roost in Oklahoma. I remember being there with Papa and we climbed the structure of rock and dirt there. About midway up I remember Papa fell and hit his head. It even started bleeding I think. In the fall, some of the rocks moved (or perhaps he moved them) and there was some money there. A $10 or $20 dollar bill or more if memory serves. I remember him grinning as he put the money in his pocket.. Looking back now...he may have planted the money there for the kids' amusement as he before had mentioned that Buzzard's Roost may have been a know hideout for Jesse James. Who knows....I remember him being a pretty funny guy! I remember one day going shopping with Grandma. It was just her and I for some reason.. I was maybe 4 or 5 and crying about something like kids do. Probably even having a borderline fit. I was in the back seat of their old car and I remember her turning around and trying to get me to stop crying repeatedly. She finally in desperation told me that if I didn't stop that Papa would know I had been crying when he got home later that day.....and you don't want Papa to know you have been crying. I remember her being very wise and with the ability to put things plain just like that!
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