gave him to us. His hair was all matted so Perry and I decided to shear him like a lion, I had planted a garden and went down to hoe it mid he wouldn't let me come to the house until after dark. After that all we had to do was show him a pair of shears and he would try to bite us. But the Layton kids and I had a lot of fun with him hunting rabbits. He ran them in the hole in a tree and we would twist them out with a stick. One day he treed an opossum and we had to cut the tree to get it. We tried to sell it to some Negroes for a dime but they only wanted to give us a nickel. We put the possum in a box that night but he got away. School opened that fall in October. There were two 17 year old boys who had never been to school, one 15 year old and one 16 year old had gotten to the second grade. His sister (18 years old) was in the fourth grade. I had finally gotten in the fourth grade. We had four boards nailed together and boards laid across to sit on. When we had any writing to do, we sat on the floor and put our paper on the seat. We had a good teacher. Two of the school board members didn't think we should have anything in the school house but school. The teacher, Kate Martin, gave a box supper at Christmas. They were mad so she quit and was five weeks before we got a new teacher to didn’t really know much. In the meantime they had put new seats in the school house, two sat in a seat. Next year we had a man teacher and he got sick and shut school down a couple of months. The next year went until about the first of the year and Papa sold his place. About the first part of 1903 the town of Cement was started, When Papa sold his place we moved in the east part of town. He bought a team and wagon and he and Perry now 12 years old, went to Shamrock, Texas and bought a place. They were to come for Mama and me after my baby brother was born. He was born June 24, 1905. When he was a week old Papa came back but had sold the place in Texas. He sold his team back to the man he had bought them from. Perry and I raised such a fuss he bought them back again. We could drive or ride them whenever we wanted to. He had bought a cowhorse while in Texas and named him Brown jug. Said cowboys would ride him after a jug of whiskey so gave him that name. That fall Papa leased a place about 5 or 6 miles southwest of Cement. Built a one room house with dirt floor. On Friday he said we would move on Saturday. Friday evening he started reading "The English Orphans” and Saturday morning kept saying wait awhile. Perry and I loaded the wagon and moved a load. Then we got back he was still reading. We loaded everything else on the wagon and started to leave. Finally he got up and put his chair on the wagon. He walked and drove a couple calves and cows down to the new place, Next year he bought a buggy so Perry and I could drive to Cement to school. My brother only went about a month and quit. After that I rode Brown Jug to school. Left him in the livery barn and walked up the hill to school. He would always pitch when first started out. The neighbors boys were afraid to ride him, I only got to school part of the year for my baby brother, Neal, had scarlet fever, I had to stay out for afraid I would carry it to school. By the time he was well, it was time to start farming and Papa had to use the horse. I learned to use most all kinds of machines. That was my last school. Then you could go through the 8th grade since there was no high school. In summer they gave a test in .Anadarko. If you passed it, you could teach. The teacher told me I could pass. Anadarko was about 25 miles. When it was time to go, I laid out my things and was going to get up before daylight and ride the horse to Anadarko, but when I got up, it was pouring down rain so had to forget the test and becoming a teacher. By the next year I had other things on my mind such as boys, Of course, had boy friends before but none really wanted to marry. Then I met the one I married, but had to wait as Papa got sick and was |
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