Universal City

After we climbed all over the observatory the driver loaded the scooter and us. He had a little trouble disassembling the scooter. Feel the tension building. We went wending down slope, up slope and all around till we ended up at Universal City. I knew almost nothing about the place but at least the flowers at the entrance were pretty.

This trip was in January of 2001 and the memory of 9/11/2000 was still intense. So at the entrance there were long lines of people with bags and such being searched. We didn’t want to wait in line just to get in so we decided to window shop at the attractions around the entrance.

One of the most eye-catching decorations was what appears to be a futuristic air-car crashed into a building. Sort of something from “Jetsons”. Television has jaded us all because event the grand-daughters were not excited by the sight. They see that kind of stuff every day.

Looking down the walkway into the depths of the attractions. It is immediately obvious that the sole purpose of this enterprise is to separate one from one’s money. Caro and Leigh found a place to have the grandkids images morphed unto fake show bills and magazine covers. I am extremely uncomfortable in “gyp” joints like this. Mom and Dad brain washed me well.

One of the few benefits of growing older is that the acceptable girl watching age stays where it was when you first start watching girls and advances to something just higher than your present age. So every year the pool gets larger. The young girl was playing with her sister when I first noticed them. I am not sure why I think they were sisters. Maybe because they seemed to be having fun. I watched them while the family was in the photo place.

After a mercifully short time at Universal City we reloaded the Limo and headed off to another park nearer to the ocean for a picnic. Leigh had thoughtfully provided box or packaged lunchs. Sase is typically a boy. He is fine in confined spaces but he much prefers being out and active. He really enjoyed the picnic park. I think of this picture as “Case Just Strolling”.

Brooke when not in the position of older sister is an adorable child. She has moments that are so unconsiously beautiful. Here she is just enjoying being.

Leigh’s employee’s can not quite wean them selves from Leigh’s guidance hand. So the same as on the cruise she is talking to one of the workers back in Houston helping straighten out a sticking point. Leigh’s motto is “no Proble” but her workers have not yet completely adopted and empowered themselves.

We are all setting around eating our sandwich and trying to not act cold. I found the temperature awfully chilly. I thought the Los Angeles area was always warm. I was proud of the family. Everyone picked up their trash and even trash from earlier visitors and put it in trash receptacles. Marion and Charlene Robertson would have been pleased.

After we finished eating I got to looking around at the sights and activities all around us. Kind of like we had gone to a foerign land. Wait a minute!! California is a foreign land. Once again this page is getting too long. I promise eventually I will get around to showing pictures of the Rose Parade Floats.

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