And So We Finally Head HOME

We made it through security with some of our dignity intact but just barely. Carolyn on her scooter gathered up Brooke and went wheeling off to the ticketing area to tell them we were coming. Wayne had gone barrelling off somewhere to get food for the plane. All that rushing and all of a sudden the herd blows apart into something like the Keystone Kops. At about that time Leigh discovered she could not find Brooke and of course she didn’t know Caro had her. Leigh quickly spiralled up to sheer panic with the thought that Brooke was lost. Caro came blithely back with Brooke on the scooter. Leigh was fit to be tied. Talk about tension, anger, sheer excitement. Finally we all got back together and continued our breakneck run to the plane. We got to the ticket area just in time. Caro rode her cart down the ramp where the handlers took the scooter to load unto the plane. I stopped just as I entered the main part of the plane and took this picture. The plane back to Austin was not going to be packed.

But the seven of us were scatterd across the plane and on different rows. Caro was in the front row right up against the bulkhead. Brooke was next to her. Leigh was behind them in the next row. Wayne, Kellie and Case were in the row ahead of me. Brooke was making sure everyone was comfortable.

Before the plane started to taxi Kellie was passing out food. I tell you that family is a traveling machine! I didn’t even see a hamburger place in the airport.

The plane taxi out to the runway and stopped. At that point Caro turned to check on me I suppose. I could tell from the look in her eyes that she was more than ready to get home to Houston. But first we had to fly to Austin, deplane, get our luggage and load the car. Then drive to Houston. Piece of cake except if you wanted it to be over now.

The trip was incredible and was a trip of a lifetime. But I am glad I have finished this narrative. Caro and I still talk about the grilled hot dog. and we watched the Rose Bowl parades with a lot more understanding and appreciation. Thanks Leigh Ann.

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