In 1979, l gave a hurriedly-gotten-together little booklet as a
token of my love and regard for my former students who at any time
attended my classes in the Tidehaven School System where I taught
English, Latin, and other subjects for thirty-six years, before and after
its consolidation. The little booklet was so well received by the
students at their Reunion that year, and by many who have since
received copies of it, that I was encouraged to more fully set forth
my message concerning conditions present in our Country and in its
ailing Institutions.

The exceedingly rapid Change in America and in its relation
to the rest of the world has been so marked and urgent that I feel we
who truly love our Country and its people |11 welcome a word of
caution from those who have observed first-hand the activities and
responsibilities of our people in places of public service and in both
public and private life. Our condition and prospects today are the
rapidly unfolding results of the actions of our leaders and of their
supporters, both of whom are often misinformed. This situation
has come about partly because of a wrong interpretation of the history
of this Century and partly because of the failure of our Americans
in general to sense what their tdway of life'' is doing to individuals
and institutions.

In this book, what l have to say is based on the History that I
have Lived. I consider this history more accurate than the written history
of the past and present that is popular and taught in our schools.
This is not to say that such history is all wrong. But it is like all other
Humanistic information and interpretation that contains both good
and bad. I am not objecting to the record of what has happened.
It is the explanation of the results of what has happened. The
explanation of the Causes of what has happened is often distorted and
unacceptable to those who have actually lived and carefully observed the
unfolding of what has happened in this Century.

Let me emphasize that "Isms" setting forth both good and bad,
especially Humanism, cannot produce nor preserve a lasting society!
If long persisted in, such principles, Humanistically designed, will
augur failure and even destruction. Without control, they are both
philosophically and practically wrong!

Only the Christian Faith as found in the Holy Bible, the Word
of God as a Whole, can be and remain a Perfect Rule and Guide and
goal for Mankind and for his Institutions. We as a people cannot have
perfection in ourselves; but by our faith in and our adherence to
Jesus Christ, His Perfect Life, Revelation, Sacrifice, and fullfillment
of the Word of Almighty God, we as His people can have peace on
earth and the glorious reward in Heaven Above! Such dedication brings
to a nation stability and moral Direction, without which No Nation
can "long endure!"

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