On Originality


"He's a Derivative poet's" the Critic said;
But with that cheerless charge I disagree.
Such fallacy, common at least in some degree,
With all who write, is often seen. It led
Poe to say the same of Burns! It Fed
The Fires to scorch the record of Chaucer! We
Are only human ; so those who seem to see
The shadow of Boccaccio o'er Chaucer's head,
Lurking in the mind of England's First
Great Poet, show only the enmity that lies
Sunkened in human frailty! "Tis true that both
Pursued a work of Art more than a Thirst
For fame. But - - Alas - - Art's Province Cries;
"You've Over-stepped the Mark! Your sins, You Loathe! ''


The Two Retractions of These Literary Lights
Have Much to say to All who know our Lord
And glory in the Comfort of His Word.
Written Words that take their Fearful Flight
Through Time, we can't recall! This Aweful Plight
Moved both to Cries of Anguish, scarce heard
By those who know not God! "Twould be absurd
To deem the Masses exempt, however slight,
From this Besetting Sin! The Throes of Guilt
That moved these Two in Holy Felt Contrition
To Humble themselves before God's Throne of Grace,
Should make All search their Hearts, Brush off the Silt
That tends to hide the guilt and seek Remission
For sin - - And be made Anew before His Face!


The Originality and, indeed, (Pray, Think),
The Universality of William Shakespeare
Has been questioned by that Conglomerate that links
The Truth with Error - - Like Public Opinion! Well, here
l respect the effort of those who would clarify
This expression of doubt through strange research. But bear
In mind; These qualities Were Not His Aim! He tried,
And with Great Success, did Magnify the Dear
And the Sordid personalities of former days!
He made them Live, not one but All He tuned
The Universal Lyre with anthems and lays
Of Song, awakening the sleeping centuries, perfumed
With the Essence of the souls of men, their right
And their wrong Intent - - their Lowest depth, their highest Height!


How could this celebrated Author Know
So Much? How does he enter in, seem Quite
At home; in a Living way portray and write
With ease astounding Variations; show
Forth the workings of conscience, mind, and mode
Of expression in countless situations - - Unite
Them with Coloring that befits them all? Such light,
Revealing the outer and inner Man, might throw
Confusion into the minds of some. But to me
I neither find nor feel any fraud or stain
That would detract from His all-embracing power
To jar the frame, to make our eyes thus see;
To take the Old and bid it Live again;
And sound the note Required in the Urgent hour!


I love the Strong and Poignant Appelations
So nobly given Him by "Rare Ben Jonson''. They abound
In the soul, in the Truth, without exaggeration:
"My Shakespeare"; "My gentle Shakespeare'' ; "Sweet Swan
Of Avon'' are endearing, but, beginning with "Soul
Of the Age'' and ending with "Star of Poet's, he dons
His Excellence with That of Nature, surpassing the Old
With Britain's Stage'' when Shakespeare's Socks were on"!
Originality and coveted Equality
And absolute Superiority - -
All belong to God! Creation we see
ls Not of Man! Our thoughts are Hampered with duplicity!
Words appeal to All but differ; and So do we!

To name the many facets involved in the Art
Of Speaking and Writing would be an Endless task;
The Boredom in such discussion - - one would hardly ask
Even a Friend to Endure! And apart
From words and forms and actions, the Way one Starts
Or Ends his piece, Plots his play; or Basks
His Players in jolly laughter or in bloody casts
Of Sin and Sorrow, Adds to the Mixture - - Darts
Back and Forth in Uncertainty! It's true
That one can be a plagiarist and steal and claim
The loot to be his own. But this is rare
Among those who Seriously write or speak. The Two
Include the Personality Which Maintains
Its Origin from God! - - A Gift without Peer!


Three Periods in Life hold Great Importance for Man - -
The Beginning, the Journey, the Final Change! In all three
He must Reckon with Time, with Currency, and Eternity!
Though interwoven, each must serve and can,
And should, contribute to the Other! Our Land
And its People Suffer because they fail to See
The Priceless value of this Truth. But We,
Engrossed in self, vainly try to change the Plan!
The Past, the Present, and the Future - - You
Are duty-bound to consider, to gain a Mature
Understanding of Life in Its Fullness and Its Beauty.
Yes, each Sector throws out a Challenge, something New
Or something Old but vital to the Nature
Of Your Need and Indispensable in Your Duty!


Chaucer and Boccaccio were Troubled
In their Old Age, and seem Unique in Cause
Of writing their Retractions! In such a Pause
In busy Literary Lives a Doubled
Misery of Conscience and Regret, coupled
With Unusual Remorse in both, roused
Them to Action! Boccaccio allows
More Humanistic views than Chaucer, but Muffled
Reasons give little Solace to hearts and minds
Disturbed by Guilt! But True Repentance in Both
Reveals our Salvation's Free in Christ, our Only Stay!
Not by works or Merit of man, one finds
The Word doth Teach; and Not a matter of Growth!
Redemption's in Him! He said, "I am the Wayl''


Good and Evil, Right and Wrong, Wise
And Foolish, Light and Darkness, Food
And Starvation, Poverty and Wealth, Cries
And Laughter, Chaos or Law, Polite or Rude - -
These Antitheses seem helpless to move
- America! Why? Do Her People Understand?
Isn't the Key that Unlocks these Doors the Heart of Love?
God is Love, we can't deny! We Planned
A nation Under God! Here's where we stand
In this very Hour. Only a few of These
Dilemma-spawning Crossroads in the List above.
But well enough, If Solved, to quell and ease
Our Fears and point the Way and Set the Stage
To Win over Sin in this our Troubled Age!


The Humanist of today will probably say
There's no such thing as sin. But these two
Humanists of great renown here lay
Great Stress upon Reality that drew
Them into agonizing Regret! Boccaccio
Would not be comforted by his Friend Petrarch,
Though the praise-worthy author did his best. So
The Patient, irked by the quaint Pilatus, (whose art
In the Greek saved the Works of Homer to the Western
World), continued to suffer under the load
Of Guilt! Fiammetta's Charm seemed replaced with stern
Conviction! In poverty, yet helped by the Church, (though
Without success), he died a Broken Man - -
Let us hope Forgiven in God's Holy Plan!

Chaucer, who seemed the more specific in confession
Of this sin, deplores his "Many a lecherous poem''
And in his longer tales his guilt, depression,
And regret abide! His Translations now move him
In the same direction! He seems unable to stem
The flood of Heavy waters, though his Retraction
Seemed written in good Faith. Disturbed, he then
Cries out in earnest search for satisfaction;
The serious moments come with strong attraction
To those attending him while nearing death!
Some may discount as unreliable the action
Of reporters, but the approaching Last breath
Of the Great and of the Lowly seems to call
For the Truth - - So fitting and noble for one and all


Finally, what shall we say of Originality
And Universality as implied at length above?
Indeed, we are made in the Image of God! The
Likenesses of Him, though various, essentially Prove
A Universal Role to Play - - A Love
Transcendent, above all earthly ills! Still
Man's Fall deters, disrupts, and bids him Lose
His Perfect State! This Loss, though Not God's Will,
Is Temporary or it is Final! To Fill
Man's Need God Gave His Son in Grace to Save,
Perfect His Highest Creation! O what a thrill
To be Redeemed in Christ; in Faith to Have
This Universal Redemption in His Name!
Origins, all Traits are ours in Him to Claim!

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