A story written by Count Leo Tolstoy, beautifully
treats a great Biblical Truth. In both Russia and
The United States, this Theme has been much
dealt with in Song and Story. But TIME is Running
Out for our Nation and the world to put it into PRACTICE!

What really ACTUATES the LIFE-STYLE of
Most Americans TODAY?

The following Selections deal with this
and other very Important Questions!

"A Little Child Shall Lead Them''
Says The Sacred Word.
So Strong, God's Hand doth Hold Him
Who Loves and Trusts Our Lord!

Change and degradation
May raise their claims so high
That Pilgrims in All Nations
Will want to question, "Why?"

Be not confused, therefore, My Friend!
Hold Fast to All That God Has Said!
His Prophecy Is True and Lends
Sufficient Light! Accept No Comments in

Its stead!

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