TO THE MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MOTHER AND FATHER, they started it all. For the love and strength they gave me that will endure me for the rest of my life. For teaching me right from wrong.

TO MY BROTHER ELMER, I remember how angry you would get when you drove us places and we would read aloud all the signs and bill boards along the way. I can still picture you in your silver hard hat coming home from working in the oil field.

TO THE MEMORY OF MY SISTER RUBY, how happy I was when she had Myrtle and made me an aunt for the first time, for showing me in her last days how to wrap coat hangers with yarn.

TO MY SISTER IVA, remember the time you had a date with Speed and we kids lined the chairs around the front room sitting there when he came to get you. For the wonderful trip, you, Verna and I took to Oregon to visit our cousins.

TO MY SISTER BESSIE, remember the time you told us you had lock jaw and you couldn’t stop your jaws from opening and closing. The facts of life you told me, some true and some not. I always remember my visit with you in 1984 and the stories you told me of your life.

TO THE MEMORY OF MY BROTHER MARION, how angry he would get at me when I would tell the kids at school that we were twins. I’ll always treasure the memories of his last visit with me before his tragic’ accident, he seemed so happy.

TO MY BROTHER J. V. , the time you visited us in’ California in your Navy uniform and I thought how handsome you looked. For the songs you sang for me at our 1982 reunion and the big cry I had. I never knew you had such a beautiful voice.

TO MY SISTER VERNA, for living so close and our families could get together and for the wonderful friendship we have developed since we have been alone, the fun trips we have taken.

TO MY SISTER BETTY, I remember the times I visited you in your trailer home and wondered how you managed to raise a family in such a small place, for the good times on our trips.

TO MY BROTHER DONALD, how you opened up your Blue Grass Festival grounds for our 1975 and 1982 reunions and the lovely memories we brought home. I'll never forget the story you told me of the Roozie, the little bug that crawls around on a flea’s behind.

TO THE MEMORY OF MY BROTHER JUNIOR, what beautiful music he made when he played his guitar and sang. How happy he was when any of us would come to visit. I always treasure the letter he wrote me, in his own way, thanking me for the guitar I bought him.

TO MY CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, FOR all the love and happiness they have given me.


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